8 habits of employees that get promoted

8 habits of employees that get promoted

Getting a promotion takes more than just doing your job well. To move up to the next step of your career, you have to prove that you are ready and deserving enough to take on more responsibility. If you’re sick of being passed up for promotions, check out these 8 habits of employees that get promoted.

1. Be open about career goals: Before the start of the year, sit down with your boss to set and discuss your professional career goals. Be open about where you see yourself 6-months or a year.

2. Always be a team player: Employers want team players who are committed to helping the greater good of the team, which ultimately benefits the company.

3. Make yourself indispensable: Focus on being an irreplaceable member of your team.

4. Keep learning: Show your boss that you’re committed to continuously improving and developing your skills both within the office and the outside.

5. Document your success: Before asking for a promotion, build a “working” portfolio throughout the year. After you’ve completed an important project, note your success with the most important details.

6. Don’t be afraid to take charge: Show your leadership potential.

7. Network with the right people: Take advantage of every networking opportunity you have and stay connected.

8. Be an engaged employee: Be an active member of your organization, attend every optional “Lunch and Learn” or come up with new ideas for sharing successes in the workplace.
